FREE Online & Interactive Training Programs
I'M ALERT It's Fun Being a Kid - Washing My Hands
If your local council is a subscribing organisation, contact them and they will provide you with information on how to best access the FREE training. If your local council is not a subscribing organisation, encourage them to subscribe so that each of the food businesses in that particular local council area (including yours) can access the training for FREE via the local councils website. Alternatively, your organisation can subscribe directly to the training.

ACT Government Health

Alexandrina Council

Shire of Augusta-Margaret River

Armidale Dumaresq Council

Ashburton Shire Council

Banana Shire

Town of Bassendean

Bathurst Regional Council

City of Bayswater

Bega Valley Shire Council

City of Belmont

Berri Barmera Council

Bland Shire Council

Blayney Shire Council

Blue Cross Aged Care

Bourke Shire Council

Brewarrina Shire Council

Brighton Council

Brisbane Airport Corporation

Brisbane City Council

Shire of Broome

Shire of Bruce Rock

City of Bunbury

Bundaberg Regional Council

Cairns Regional Council

Town of Cambridge

City of Canada Bay

City of Canning

Shire of Capel

Shire of Carnarvon

Central Coast Council

City of Charles Sturt

Central Highlands Regional Council

Circular Head Council

Cerebral Palsy League

Cessnock City Council

Shire of Chittering

Town of Claremont

Clarence City Council

Clarence Valley Council

Clubs WA

Shire of Collie

Coolins Food Group

Compass Group Australia

Cook Shire Council

Coonamble Shire Council

District Council of the Copper Coast

CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences

Shire of Dandaragan

Dardanup Shire Council

Denmark Shire Council

The Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup

Shire of East Pilbara

Shire of Esperance

Eurobodalla Shire Council

Shire of Exmouth

Fire Emergency Management Training

First Choice Training

Fraser Coast Regional Council

City of Fremantle

Garden Villages

Town of Gawler

City of Greater Geraldton

Gladstone Regional Council

Glenorchy City Council

Goodstart Early Learning

City of Gosnells

Shire of Harvey

Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Hobart City Council

City of Holdfast Bay

Holroyd City

Huon Valley Council

City of Joondalup

Junee Shire Council

Shire of Kalamunda

Kiama Municipal Council

Kingborough Council

King Island Council

Town of Kwinana

Lane Cove Council

Launceston City Council

Liverpool City Council

Logan City Council

District Council of Loxton Waikerie

Liverpool Plains Shire Council

District Council of Mallala

City of Mandurah

Shire of Manjimup

Shire of Merredin

Mid Murray Council

Moreton Bay Regional Council

District Council of Mount Barker

Mount Gambier City Council

Mount Isa City Council

Moira Healthcare Alliance

Shire of Mundaring

Shire of Nannup

National Parks and Wildlife Service

Town of Narrogin

Narromine Shire Council

City of Nedlands

Shire of Northam

Shire of Northampton

Shire of North Burnett

NT Government - Department of Health and Families

Oberon Council

City of Onkaparinga

Origin Energy Australia

City of Playford

City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Town of Port Hedland

Queanbeyan City Council

Queensland Meals on Wheels

Shire of Ravensthorpe

Renmark Paringa Council

Rockdale City Council

Rockhampton Regional Council

City of Rockingham

Shire of Roebourne

Roe Regional Organisation of Councils

Royal Rehabilitation Centre

Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School

Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire

Shoalhaven City Council

Snowy River Shire Council

Somerset Regional Council

South Burnett Regional Council

Southern Midlands Council

Sorell Council

Southern Downs Regional Council

Springhaven Lodge

City of Subiaco

City of Swan

Tatiara District Council

Tertiary Access Group

Toowoomba Regional Council

Townsville City Council

Tweed Shire Council

Uniting Aged Care Victoria

Unity Water

City of Victor Harbor

Wakefield Regional Council

City of Wanneroo

Warrumbungle Shire Council

West Tamar Council

City of West Torrens

Workteq Training Services

Shire of York