Standard 3.2.2A: Food Safety Management Tools
Did you know?
From December 8, 2023, a new addition to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code is coming into effect. Standard 3.2.2A is designed to enhance food safety within Australian businesses in the food service, catering, and retail sectors that handle unpackaged, and potentially hazardous ready-to-eat food.

Why was the Standard Developed ?

This standard was developed to combat preventable foodborne illnesses and strengthen food safety in food service and retail sectors.
Standard 3.2.2A addresses critical food safety risks and promotes knowledge, skills, supervision, and food handling practices for safer food preparation and service.

Who Does it Affect?

The standard applies to category one and category two businesses in the food sector.

Category One Businesses
These are caterers, food services, and businesses handling unpackaged potentially hazardous and ready-to-eat food.
Category Two
These are retail businesses offering potentially hazardous and ready-to-eat food received unpackaged or repackaged.
The standard does not apply to food handling for fundraising events, businesses solely engaged in food manufacturing or wholesale, and businesses not serving or retailing unpackaged potentially hazardous ready-to-eat food.
New Requirements
Standard 3.2.2A introduces requirements for specified food businesses
Food Safety Supervisor Certification
Category one and category two businesses must have a certified food safety supervisor.

Certification must be obtained from a registered training organisation (RTO).
Food safety supervisors must renew certification every five years.
Food Handler Training
All food handlers in category one and category two businesses must complete food safety training.

Training includes safe food handling, contamination prevention, cleaning, sanitisation, and personal hygiene.
Evidence Tools (Record Keeping)
Category one businesses must maintain records of critical food safety activities.

These records demonstrate food safety management to environmental health officers.

What is an Evidence Tool?

An evidence tool is a record that substantiates food safety management, including documents, electronic records, invoices, data logs, photos, or other means of recording critical food safety activities.

Record Keeping
Records must be kept daily, include dates, be accessible to environmental health officers, and retained for at least three months.